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Cloud Seeding Dubai

Dubai Floods: Cloud Seeding in the News

Misinformation Spreads Amidst the Floods

The recent heavy rains that have caused flooding in Dubai have sparked speculation about the use of cloud seeding. However, experts have come forward to debunk the widespread misconceptions surrounding the practice of cloud seeding.

What is Cloud Seeding?

Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that attempts to increase the amount of precipitation (rain or snow) that falls from a cloud. It involves releasing substances into the atmosphere that act as cloud condensation or ice nuclei, providing a surface for water vapor to condense and freeze around.

Cloud Seeding in the UAE

The United Arab Emirates has been carrying out cloud seeding operations for several years. In 2024, meteorological experts plan to conduct approximately 300 cloud seeding missions across the country. These operations aim to enhance rainfall and improve water resources in the arid region.

No Link to Recent Floods

Meteorological experts have emphasized that there is no scientific evidence to support the claims that cloud seeding operations have caused the heavy rainfall and flooding in Dubai. The floods were a result of natural weather patterns and are not connected to any cloud seeding activities.

Hygroscopic Flares and Cloud Seeding

During cloud seeding missions, hygroscopic water-attracting salt flares are released into the atmosphere. These flares create tiny particles that act as cloud condensation nuclei, promoting the formation of water droplets and subsequent rainfall. It is important to note that the use of hygroscopic flares in cloud seeding is a controlled and regulated process.


While cloud seeding is a legitimate weather modification technique, it is not a magic wand that can control rainfall patterns or prevent flooding. The recent floods in Dubai were a natural occurrence and were not caused by cloud seeding operations. It is crucial to rely on accurate information from meteorological experts to understand and address weather-related events.
